Yes, pigs love to wallow. They do it in order to keep cool. In fact, they MUST do it to cool off in most circumstances because pigs do not sweat! Actually the only place they 'sweat' is out of the top end of their nose! You will see little tiny droplets of water forming there.
To help them keep cool during those hot summer days you will need either a kiddy pool (those cheap plastic ones they sell every spring do fine, but only last about one season) or a nice mud hole. Remember, pigs do not sweat and can overheat very easily if they do not have water and dirt/mud to lay in. They cool off best by cooling their tummies.
Remember to keep the pool clean and cool as that water can heat up as the days heat up.
They also like to wallow in freshly rooted up soil because it is cool. Rolling around in the mud hole cools them off by covering them in cool mud. Plus, caked on mud keeps insects from getting to their skin. (Flower, my female, loves to use the pool then finds a place in the yard that she has previously rooted to cake some dirt on herself). You will need to train yourself to clean house pigs before bringing them into the home once they have been enjoying a nice mud bath. A wallowing pig is a pig in heaven.
Full time outside pigs will prefer a mud hole over a pool most of the time. Mine use the pool to drink out of.
Remember, this is a NATURAL BEHAVIOR for all pigs. Now you have no excuse! Do not get upset at them for doing what comes naturally!
The information presented within our information and resources section has been collected from what we consider experts and various reputable persons including vets, sanctuary owners, and private pig owners among others. Information shown is the latest available. Although we have had pet pigs for 20 years and consider ourselves quite knowledgeable, we are by no means veterinarians. Any health related information presented below should be checked out with your personal veterinarian.
ALL pet pigs should be spayed or neutered before sold. They should be at least 6-8 weeks of age and weaned from mom.
PLEASE do your homework before getting a pig for a pet. Make sure that you are zoned for pigs as pets. Is there a vet in your area that will see mini pigs?
Please make sure that you're ready to commit to this pet for the next 12-15 plus years. The truth is that the potbellied pig is only a good pet for those who take commitment and responsible pet ownership very seriously.
"Potbelly pigs are not products you just throw away when you get bored or become overwhelmed. They are intelligent, caring creatures who depend on you for their survival.
PLEASE: Do your homework BEFORE getting one. Don't be stubborn or worse, ignorant. Know the facts before you get into unexpected problems."
Richard SlaytonThe ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center is your best resource for any poison-related emergency, 24/7, 365. If you think your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call 888.426.4435. A $65 per case fee may apply.